What do you call a fantasy adventure movie about baked goods and a bengal tiger?
IBM 701: Defense Calculator
May 21st, 1952 IBM 701 Defense Calculator has been announced. It costed USD12K-20K/month for 40-hour shifts, and was sold to 18 customers including universities, NSA, aircraft companies and army.
Tux is working as a mascot for 25 years already
May 9th, 1996 Linux gets Tux as its mascot. Shitlist Driven Development - if you have big refactoring ongoing, better be clear on what’s deprecated and do not allow deprecated API.
Green-eyed Microsoft Mouse bundled with Word for $195
Microsoft Mouse was born 38 years ago. Gergely Orosz strikes again.
Apple IIc, Hubble and YouTube were born these days
On these days, tens years ago, a portable 3.4-kg (w/o display and power supply) Apple IIc got announced (April 24, 1984), Hubble telescope deployed (April 25, 1990), and first YouTube video was published (April 23, 2005).
38 years ago $200 could buy 1kg of computer with 10KB RAM
On this day, 38 years ago, Osborne Executive was announced. Better than predecessor, 7 inch amber CRT, 13 kg, 124 KB RAM, 4Mhz, and hefty $2495 (eqiv.
Mir station burned after 15 years of service
Almost on this day, 20 years ago, Mir space station descended into the atmosphere, and burned after 15 years of service.
15 years ago, twttr got just set up
On this day, 15 years ago, Jack Dorsey sent the first tweet ever.